Thursday, September 3, 2009


Gave refrigerator pickles a try tonight! We'll have to wait and see if the turn out to be any good, but from the lovely aroma of the boiling spices, they are promising! The cucumbers are from NJ (Thanks, Mom Marshall!), the onion from Boston Organics. Can't wait to give these a try.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Totally Locally Sourced!

There are so many things that I would like to write about, but I just don't have the energy. But! I want to share what we had for dinner tonight:

Completely locally sourced! Right down to the tomato basil farmers cheese we used to flavor the potatoes. NOM. The beef was from Lionette's in South Boston and was really good. Grass fed beef tastes so different! I really hadn't expected that, but I guess I didn't know what to expect. I'm hoping that we can make locally sourced meat a more consistent part of our diets for ethical, environmental and health reasons. And because it's good! Hopefully more on this later!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Amazing Year

I can’t believe that 367 days ago, Kyle and I got married!

This has truly been the greatest year of my life, and as Kyle said at our special anniversary dinner Saturday night, “Here’s to 70 more!”

For our anniversary, we spent a lovely weekend relaxing in Portland, ME. Portland was our stateside jumping-off point for our honeymoon to Nova Scotia and, while we thought that the city looked like a lot of fun, we didn’t have time last year to really explore.

Given that Kyle is a very patient man, he didn’t mind that I found a very local-friendly, well reviewed restaurant for our celebratory dinner – even when we had to take a 9:45pm reservation. Eating so late let us entertain the delusion that we’re not quite as old as we pretend when we’re at home. I actually found the restaurant by doing a search on LocalHarvest.

And so we ended up at Fore Street, and had one of the very best meals that I have ever had. Oh. My. Gosh. The FOOD!! It was SO good, and not just because we were eating so close to my bedtime. For whatever reason, the only pictures I have are from my phone and they don’t even begin to convey how amazing everything was.

We started dinner with a tomato goat cheese tart (very generous on the goat cheese which endeared me to them immediately) so good that I would consider having it for every meal for the rest of my life and I’m sure I wouldn’t get sick of it. Next came the main courses of yummy yummy Gulf of Maine halibut for me and Maine-raised venison for Kyle. We also got Maine garlic mashed potatoes and green beans almondine which were the least impressive offering of the night, though still good.

But the real achievement of the evening was dessert. There are not words for how good this dessert was, suffice to say that not only did I eat sweet corn ice cream, it was one of the most delicious things I’ve ever had and I can’t wait to figure out how to make it at home and eat it until my stomach pops like the Gluttony guy in 7even.

Dessert was a blueberry shortcake (really a cream puff covered in blueberries) served with the aforementioned sweet corn ice cream of awesomeness.

It truly was a perfect meal. I can’t express how blessed I am to have such a wonderful partner and I hope that we will have 70 more years of wonderful meals to celebrate this life we are building together.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Farmers Market Chicken

Who knew that a naked, slightly shriveled, little chicken sitting in a bag of brine in our fridge would completely occupy my thoughts for an entire workday? That I would be overcome with the anticipation of my first whole chicken roasting adventure that meaningful work would be hard to come by? I sure hope that our dinner guests tonight understand the gravity of the situation but given that they are kind and loving souls, I’m sure that they will neither laugh at my enthusiasm nor think me insane. But that’s just because, at this point, they know that I’m insane.

The chicken obsession took root last weekend while visiting my parents. My mom started a job in VT recently as has been raving about the Norwich Farmers Market for months now. I was very eager to visit as we rarely have the leisure time to wander farmers markets in our area (most are during the work week and end at 6pm so when we have gone we’re usually racing around to snap thing up before everything gets shut down). Plus it was a lovely excuse to have my mom and aunt show off their still newish home and for us to get some quality time together.

I went in with a plan, and for the most part stuck with it. I’ve been increasingly interested in finding humanely raised meats for our diet but because of convenience issues haven’t put too much effort into actually following through with this. The farmers market was the perfect opportunity to get started following through on this! Many vendors had free range chickens, organic eggs and grass fed beef and my mom even picked up some Guinness elk sausages for Kyle and my dad. (I tried the elk and it was good, but one bite was enough.) After a completely humiliating encounter with one chicken vendor (I certainly didn’t know that we were talking whole chickens at first, although that seems pretty stupid in retrospect. Not to worry, I ran away from her to a much kinder woman with more reasonably priced poultry), I was the beaming owner of my very own 3.19lb whole roaster. YAY!

With friends coming for dinner tonight, I decided that it was the perfect time to debut the bird. I really have no idea if this is going to work or not but I’m hoping that the waxed beans with mint and steamed broccoli (also from the Norwich F.M.) will be enough if the roasting goes terribly wrong. I’m also planning blondies for dessert. I figure that if all else fails, putting guests into a sugar coma is as good a way as any to end an evening.


So, thinks went relatively well. But I've learned several valuable lessons.
1.) Cooking past my bed time isn't a great idea. I ended up brining the chicken's butt all day instead of the breast.
2.) I have no freaking idea how to carve a chicken. Next time I'll look that up before mutilating the bird before our horrified guests.
3.) 3.19lbs of chicken is not enough for 4 adults when the hostess is incapable of getting all the meat off the bones and nobody likes legs.
4.) Anything with a stick of butter and cup of brown sugar is sure to be delicious. The blondies were soooo good!

Overall, I'm really pleased at my first roasting attempt! Now to perfect my technique and make some chicken stock!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Summer of Food

Last Christmas I received Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and read it just as fast as I could shouting out things to Kyle like, “We are totally going to raise chickens! YAY chickens!” “Can we somehow convert our concrete hole of a yard into a garden this year??” and, “I’m so totally going to make CHEESE in the KITCHEN.” Needless to say, I was more than a little intrigued/enthused/consumed by the entire notion of eating locally. It just makes a lot of sense. Without going into it much here, I’ll just say that the book is a must read and has left me craving a small farm in Appalachia a bit more than the next girl.

It was the cheese in the kitchen comment that really caused Kyle to throw on the brakes and declare that perhaps I should slow down before attempting to turn our fairly urban apartment into an 1800s homestead. So I spent the next several months eating take out four nights a week and putting off any local eating experiments until the weather turned warm and their was local fair to be had. (Actually, my take out shame spiral had nothing to do with the cheese-free kitchen edict and everything to do with the fact that my job search was dragging on and leaving me more than a little down about it).

But the spring brought gainful employment and a rededication to the idea that trying to find ways to eat locally would be awesome and was something that I just had to do. Right. Now. And after several months of working on this, I’m feeling compelled to record the attempt here. Blogging has never stuck for me. Just as I have horrifyingly embarrassing middle school journals that are all false starts, lamenting about boys and declarations that, “this time I am determined to keep writing here!” that were abandoned after days, so too has this blog been one false start after another. The difference is, this time I don’t care. Right now I feel like sharing our food adventures, so I will. If tomorrow I change my mind, OK!

That being said, the biggest thing to get the ball rolling in terms of giving this a try was subscribing to Boston Organics. Boston Organics has always offered great organic fruits and veggies delivered to your door, but only recently have they started a locally sourced option, the Dogma box. For me, it was the local nature of the food that was the most important, not necessarily the fact that it’s organic (although that is awesome) so this is really the box for us. Every week we’re delivered local, organic, interesting produce that we then have to figure out 1.) what it is and 2.) how to consume it. This has been an awesome opportunity to learn to cook a variety of veggies we would have walked right past in the grocery store, to find out that I/we like some (kale, collard greens, cabbage) and that others aren’t as popular (Kyle finds eating baby bok choy to be the most cruel form of torture imaginable). It’s also helped me to remember that I love cooking and that take out is expensive and not very tasty. I’m spending far more time in the kitchen than I have in recent memory and I love it. While we still struggle to get through all the produce in one week (either freezing it for the winter or eating it all up) we’re getting much better at it and I’ve found a lot of joy in the attempt.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Much Needed Weekend Away

This past weekend, at the kind invitation of Jess, I escaped from the city for an amazing weekend at SPA in Freeport, ME. It would be an understatement to say that I needed this time away with wonderful, funny women and an abundance of cheese and wine. 

The past few weeks have been particularly hard in terms of dealing with my the anxiety of my job search and the frustration and sadness about still not finding work in my new field had really been wearing on me. It's not that I didn't think the search would be hard, it's just that I never thought the search would drag on so long. When I first starting looking for post-graduation work, the economy was just smoldering a bit at the edges, having not yet so thoroughly gone up in flames. And somewhere in the long stretches of not having to get our of my pajamas or put on makeup, I started to forget how blessed I am to have job at all, let alone one that allows me to be a part of such an amazing community and to work with people that I truly love. I now feel like a complete idiot for being so sulky, but I think this sort of thing can creep up on all of us now and then.
So to say that I had high hopes for my weekend away would again be putting it lightly. I had hoped that weekend would somehow snap me out of the doldrums and I was not at all disappointed! Just the overall sense of camaraderie and the infectious laughter made me so happy that I had tagged along for the ride. Meeting new, wonderful people and getting to know friends even better over a glass of wine or decadent snack buoyed me and certainly made me feel like I belonged. And I am so glad that I took the plunge and decided to get a drop spindle! Many, many thanks for Amy and Adrian for their instruction and encouragement! And then, I made yarn!! Here's the proof.

It's one of the 4 pictures I managed to take this weekend and it just makes me smile.
So to all the lovely ladies that made this weekend so fun and who know just how to get in the perfect amount of trouble, THANK YOU!! You're all getting hugs at knitting night next week, whether you want them or not! ;)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Adventures in Baking

For Christmas, Kyle's parents gave my the Sweet Melissa Baking Book and since we've been *trying* to eat healthier, I've satisfied my sweet tooth by just reading the lovely recipes. Oh my gosh, they all look amazing!
Last weekend, Kyle, Janet and I piled into the car with the puppies and headed to my parent's house so that Kyle and Jan could ski. Given my terror of heights and of chairlifts in particular, skiing is not for me. At all. So I stayed home and finally cracked open the cookbook for some special Valentine's Day baking.
I personally think that the name of the holiday should be changed to "Eat Your Weight In Chocolate Guilt Free Day!" but I'm not sure it will catch on.
I decided to go with the "Fallen Souffle Cake" given my chocolate love and desire to learn a new culinary technique. I've never really worked with eggs in any fancy way before so I was particularly excited to learn how to make a meringue and was overjoyed when, with a lot of assistance from my Aunt Val, my eggs formed soft peaks! So cool! Sadly, the cake ended up being a bit overdone but it was still delicious, if not as pretty as it could have been. I can't wait to try the other amazing sounding treats from this book! So pleased!! Here's the entire process:

Chocolate Souffle Cake

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cop Out Post

So I had big plans for a post about my recent knitting (mis)adventures, all the fun things we've been up to and my very strong feelings about "He's Just Not That Into You."* But I'm really tired tonight and have been tagged about a million times about this so I thought I would give it a go. Given that I have little to no use for Facebook, I wanted thought this would work better for me.

25 Random Things

25. I have a crazy memory and can remember in vivid detail events and conversations that happened many years ago. I'm very proud of this fact and when I can't remember something it totally freaks me out.
24. My very first memory is of being in my grandparent's living room while the rest of the family was in the kitchen trying to put out a small fire (burning meatballs). I was hugging my cat. I was three.
23. I once called 9-1-1 because I thought that my grandma and great aunt had fallen into some locks. The scuba rescue team was not pleased when they discovered that they had really fallen onto a little beach.
22. I called 9-1 once because my little brother was chocking on a hot dog but then he coughed it up and was fine.
21. My dad saved my life with the Heimlich maneuver when I was six and choked on melty cheese on my spaghetti.
20. When I was in fourth grade I wanted to be Hellen Keller, I thought she was so cool. In fact, my friends and I took turns playing Hellen Keller and Annie Sullivan after Girl Scout meetings.
19. I really enjoy "true crime" shows like Cold Case Files and American Justice. Kyle often asks if we can watch something "without murder."
18. I am weirdly proud of the fact that I'm left handed and really hope that I pass this on to my children.
17. I find nothing more satisfying than crossing something off of my "do-to" list. I've often written down things I've already accomplished so that I can cross them off.
16. I prefer writing in blue because I think that it's happier, or something.
15. When I was young, my family vacationed at a cabin in Vermont. Those trips provided some of my most treasured memories.
14. I grew up living with my grandparents. I think that has a lot to do with who I am today. I still miss my grandpa often.
13. I knew that Kyle was a keeper from early on, and I was totally right.
12. When I was younger I really thought that I could single-handedly save the world. Now I know that it will be a team effort I spend my entire life trying to do my part for.
11. I can be a little stubborn. Especially with knitting. It's like I think I can will something into not looking like a piece or crap or having mistakes. This hasn't worked yet.
10. I'm a huge history nerd. HUGE. Like I want to live in Concord, MA because of it's awesome historic ties. (I said huge)
9. I spend a lot of time stalking houses on the internet. I really want to be a homeowner.
8. I also stalk doggie day cares in the areas where I stalk houses. I love our puppy and want him to be happy and well adjusted.
7. I love traveling but hate flying. I wish I could get over the irrational fear that getting on a plane equals certain DOOM, but I can't.
6. Sometimes I wish that we could just pull up stakes and move to London for a year or two. I think London is the most magical place I have ever been.
5. I loved planning our wedding and I think that it was beautful and perfect, but I wouldn't want to do it again. Too much stress!
4. I have just started to enjoy red wine. I think this is a sign that I'm growing up. Kyle thinks this means I will someday like beer. That's never going to happen.
3. Our puppy, Russ, is awesome but after watching an Animal Planet program on pugs I'm totally afraid his eyes are going to pop out. It happens!
2. I love boardgames, and Boggle is a favorite. I wish the husband liked them, too.
1. Oh and I hate Facebook, but this was kinda fun. :)

*Whatever you do, don't see this movie. It was AWFUL and reduced men, women and marriage to Neanderthal stereotypes. Ick. Actually, that's insulting to Neanderthal's so scratch that.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Finished Knitting! YAY!

One of the really wonderful things about being done with school is the fact that my evenings and weekends are mine, to fill with whatever leisure activities I choose. No papers I should be writing, no papers to read and NO guilt! Well, there is still "chore guilt" but I'm working on it.
So how have I been filling the hours? With lots of knitting and reading!

First, a pair of warm and cozy socks I started Inauguration weekend in D.C. I love them! And considering that I my feet would never be warm again after Inauguration Day, it's fitting that they are so toasty!

Here are two pairs of socks that I finished knitting last summer but never wove in the ends. So sad, my laziness. But now they are wearable!

Having just finished up the Inauguration socks, I thought it was best to start another pair immediately! It was also a great excuse to play with my new ball winder and swift. Oh my LOVE for these items!! I don't know how I went so long without them! Kyle is pleased that he'll no longer have to ball up my yarn for me because I'm only capable of making tangled messes in less than 30 seconds when left to my own devices. Russ also wanted to get in on the action! He is totally yarn obsessed! Good thing he's cute and (usually) well monitored in the presence of pretty things. :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Witnessing History - The BEST Part

We've been home for nearly 48 hours and I'm still trying to process the entire Inaugural experience. There's nothing that I can say that will adequately capture the incredible power of being there, among 1.8 million other Americans (and some Canadians waving flags like crazy right next to us!) to witness the Inauguration of President Obama. I'll leave the trite cliches to the media, some of whom captured the day for me but most of whom I felt did a disservice to the dream of Dr. King by declaring absolute victory when as a nation we are still far from the promised land. It goes without saying that President Obama was judged by the content of his character, and this makes me as proud of my fellow citizens as I can possibly be, yet it does not erase the social and economic injustices that prevail across the United States. I absolutely believe that President Obama can and will lead the country down a path towards greater justice and that we can see the true fulfillment of Dr. King's dream in my lifetime.
During the Inaugural Address I was struck by the fact that a candidate whose principles and policies I truly believe in was now assuming the presidency. During the election of 2004, I was unconvinced that this would ever be the case. Kyle and I have been excitedly following the political rise of President Obama since his speech at the DNC that year and I never thought that we'd arrive here so soon. I am SO excited and energized and look forward to following this Presidency with the voracity that some stalk Perez Hilton's celebrity gossip blog. As before, I think that our pictures capture things far better than I can. The rest are here.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Witnessing History - Part 1 last semester of grad school was hard. Very hard. And perhaps I stretched myself more than enough ways to make myself crazy. Hence the absolute silence around here. But, now I have my degree and I would not have changed one thing! Sure, I nearly lost my mind, but in the end it was all worth it! (Not sure if the husband and the puppy feel the same way, not there not really complaining at the moment so we'll assume they're over it).
Now I'm free! This means that we've got the freedom to do totally awesome things, like travel with the rest of humanity to the most amazing thing to happen in my life time - the Inauguration of Barack Obama !!!! Tonight we are doing "Inauguration Day Strategery" which includes things like "Have a positive attitude!," and, "Stuff your pockets with toilet paper! And granola bars!" We've already had an amazing time, box relaxing and braving the city for the Inauguration Concert 2009. Here's the recap:

1.) Arriving at the concert and asking strangers to take our picture. The woman with the guy that took this for us shook her head "no" when asked if they would take the picture. Nice. 2.) Getting interviewed for BBC radio. Lost a bit of respect for the BBC when the reporter asked us to pretend that it was the next day and that we were super excited about Beyonce and Usher. Apparently the UK is not as into Springsteen and James Taylor. 3.) The crowd was HUGE. And we were pretty close to the front. 4.) Singing along with everyone was amazing and made me happy happy happy!!

Overall, I was truly amazed at the spirit and kindness of the crowd. Everyone seemed genuinly thrilled to be there and we were able to chat with people from all over the country that were there to have a good time and share the experiance. It was fantastic! And the amazing line up of performers capped off by a speech by the President Elect was beyond words. And, as the program continually reminded us, we were WITNESSING HISTORY. ;) I can't wait to tell my grandchildren about this!