So I had big plans for a post about my recent knitting (mis)adventures, all the fun things we've been up to and my very strong feelings about "He's Just Not That Into You."* But I'm really tired tonight and have been tagged about a million times about this so I thought I would give it a go. Given that I have little to no use for Facebook, I wanted thought this would work better for me.
25 Random Things
25. I have a crazy memory and can remember in vivid detail events and conversations that happened many years ago. I'm very proud of this fact and when I can't remember something it totally freaks me out.
24. My very first memory is of being in my grandparent's living room while the rest of the family was in the kitchen trying to put out a small fire (burning meatballs). I was hugging my cat. I was three.
23. I once called 9-1-1 because I thought that my grandma and great aunt had fallen into some locks. The scuba rescue team was not pleased when they discovered that they had really fallen onto a little beach.
22. I called 9-1 once because my little brother was chocking on a hot dog but then he coughed it up and was fine.
21. My dad saved my life with the Heimlich maneuver when I was six and choked on melty cheese on my spaghetti.
20. When I was in fourth grade I wanted to be Hellen Keller, I thought she was so cool. In fact, my friends and I took turns playing Hellen Keller and Annie Sullivan after Girl Scout meetings.
19. I really enjoy "true crime" shows like Cold Case Files and American Justice. Kyle often asks if we can watch something "without murder."
18. I am weirdly proud of the fact that I'm left handed and really hope that I pass this on to my children.
17. I find nothing more satisfying than crossing something off of my "do-to" list. I've often written down things I've already accomplished so that I can cross them off.
16. I prefer writing in blue because I think that it's happier, or something.
15. When I was young, my family vacationed at a cabin in Vermont. Those trips provided some of my most treasured memories.
14. I grew up living with my grandparents. I think that has a lot to do with who I am today. I still miss my grandpa often.
13. I knew that Kyle was a keeper from early on, and I was totally right.
12. When I was younger I really thought that I could single-handedly save the world. Now I know that it will be a team effort I spend my entire life trying to do my part for.
11. I can be a little stubborn. Especially with knitting. It's like I think I can will something into not looking like a piece or crap or having mistakes. This hasn't worked yet.
10. I'm a huge history nerd. HUGE. Like I want to live in Concord, MA because of it's awesome historic ties. (I said huge)
9. I spend a lot of time stalking houses on the internet. I really want to be a homeowner.
8. I also stalk doggie day cares in the areas where I stalk houses. I love our puppy and want him to be happy and well adjusted.
7. I love traveling but hate flying. I wish I could get over the irrational fear that getting on a plane equals certain DOOM, but I can't.
6. Sometimes I wish that we could just pull up stakes and move to London for a year or two. I think London is the most magical place I have ever been.
5. I loved planning our wedding and I think that it was beautful and perfect, but I wouldn't want to do it again. Too much stress!
4. I have just started to enjoy red wine. I think this is a sign that I'm growing up. Kyle thinks this means I will someday like beer. That's never going to happen.
3. Our puppy, Russ, is awesome but after watching an Animal Planet program on pugs I'm totally afraid his eyes are going to pop out. It happens!
2. I love boardgames, and Boggle is a favorite. I wish the husband liked them, too.
1. Oh and I hate Facebook, but this was kinda fun. :)
*Whatever you do, don't see this movie. It was AWFUL and reduced men, women and marriage to Neanderthal stereotypes. Ick. Actually, that's insulting to Neanderthal's so scratch that.