Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Very Good Reason for Being Off the Map

So live around here has been INSANE. I mean really crazy. As in I'm more exhausted and haven't stopped moving in days and am way more emotionally and physically taxed than I was during finals a few weeks back. But, for the most part, all of the things that have kept us running are wonderful things and I do feel incredibly blessed, if incredibly tired.

Here's the list of all of the things on our plate at the moment:

  • Helping my parents pack up the family home and move to the new homestead in New Hampshire this past weekend!!

  • Packing up for our move to our super cool new place!

  • Getting our wedding invitations printed, addressed and out the door on time. (This may be a stretch, but we'll see!)

  • Flying to Florida on Thursday for some quality time with Kyle's family to celebrate the graduation of his cousin, Todd.

  • Having work totally BLOW UP and working like crazy to push along a project 8 months in the making to meet a June 15th deadline.

  • Trying to maintain my sanity and my cheerful demeanor ;)

Now I'm tired just writing it all down!

This past weekend was really amazing as we helped my family make the move up to NH. They'll be up there for good in just a few days and I couldn't be happier for them! Their new house is SO beautiful and I really think this is going to be the perfect place for them to enjoy a slower pace of life and all the snow they are going to get.

Here are the pictures.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Very Long Week

It seems like I've really packed a lifetime into this week. When I think about where I was last Saturday night (freaking out about my upcoming finals), I can't believe its only been seven days since I was in that place. Crazy! My finals went very well and I'm going to give Bob a lot of credit for being such as good study buddy!!

Although he didn't do too well when I got up to stretch my legs!

By the time I finished up school on Tuesday night, I was totally exhausted but the fun was just beginning! We spent that evening and the next hanging out with Jess, Casey, and the awesome Mary Heather!! She was AWESOME and it was great to get to know such a super sweet and fun person that would talk politics with Kyle so that I could get a break. ;)

Now it's time to really buckle down and get this apartment packed up before our big move and before my amazing friend Ashley comes to stay with us later this week. I'm SO excited!! For now I'm going to relax because I'm not sure when I'll next be able to enjoy a Saturday night on the couch.