Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Let's be honest

I just got home from class not too long ago (Tuesday nights always run late), we haven't eaten dinner yet (it should be delivered shortly) and I'm totally tired. All I really want to do is sit on the couch, watch House, and knit my sock. But this is finals week, so I really need to be more productive than that. I have a final paper due tomorrow that is 95% done, but I will sleep better tonight if I actually finish it. Plus it might be nice to try and get ahead on the massive amount of work that lies between now and this time next week when I will certainly be in lump mode.
Speaking of summer break, I have grand plans. There will be lots of reading and knitting (I have an ambitious project planned), wedding planning and sleeping. Unfortunately, the reality of my first few weeks of summer break is going to be very different. We'll be in the middle of a major project at work with a very firm deadline, Kyle and I will be moving across town, my parents will be moving to a new state and we've got some very firm wedding planning deadlines looming. Ugg. I'll need to find a way to reconcile what I want to be doing with reality.
So let's be honest about what I'm going to do right now.
  1. Open my final paper due tomorrow.
  2. Stare unblinking for several seconds
  3. Turn on House, pick up my knitting, and try and enjoy my evening (while remaining riddled with guilt)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm an idiot...that kinda smells

So I've never been the most graceful person. In fact, I'm pretty damn clumsy. Usually this manifests itself in subtle ways, like how after the last snow storm of the season I fell down our front steps like a ton of bricks or how I recently almost ripped my ear off at the gym because my ipod fell onto the moving treadmill, shot across the room and nearly took me with it. Ugg.
Tonight I really outdid myself, though. What's worse, it was all my fault. I can't even blame gravity for this one.
I pretty much wet my pants tonight. You read that right, WET MY PANTS. As I was waiting for class to start, I sat enjoying my lukewarm coffee and digging in my bag for the granola bar I swear I packed this afternoon although it never made an appearance. As I struggled to find the phantom snack, I decided I needed better access to my giant bag so I put my coffee between my knees (so ladylike, I know) and pulled the giant bag onto my lap. Only as I did this, I must have moved my legs because the coffee cup started tipping and before I could do anything to stop it there was a LOT of warm coffee all over me. Like in a GIANT PEE STAIN pattern. I just stared down for a few seconds and then looked at my friend, Meg, and said, "Um, I totally just wet my pants." Then she looked down and we both started laughing. Classy, right?
The only problem is that after nearly 3 hours the mix of stale coffee and skim milk is not so pleasing on the nostrils.
So yeah, I'm the smelly girl that peed her pants. And contrary to what Billy Madison might tell you, it's not the coolest!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Weekend in the Kitchen

It feels like I spent this entire weekend in the kitchen, and although I am now very full and very tired, it was well worth it!

On Friday, Kyle and I trekked all the way out to Brookline (that's practically another state) for a Gburg happy hour at The Public House. It was really wonderful to catch up with some of our very favorite people that we don't get to see nearly enough. There was good conversation, cherry beer, and fun pictures. A good time was had by all!

Yesterday was really the onset of my kitchen time. Kyle and I hosted coffee hour at church today, so I really wanted to make something special for this first attempt at really integrating into the church community in a new and exciting way. After nearly five hours, I had my grandma's coffee cake, mini quiches and raspberry scones to show for my efforts. Yum!

I was definitely nervous that people wouldn't eat the food and that we'd be a coffee hour bust. But we were totally a success! There was scarcely a crumb to bring home which was great because we hosted the priest that will marry us for dinner tonight and I spent more time making yummy healthy lasagna and a frozen blueberry pie. I just had to roll myself into the kitchen to make a cup of tea!

Now I'm going to curl up on the couch with the Yankees game and my knitting and start the sad countdown to Monday morning.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Good Week

This has been a really good week. The sun has been (mostly) shining and I've been getting things done. An excellent feeling!
Here are some of this weeks accomplishments, in no particular order:
  • We finished planning our honeymoon. Yay! Yay! Yay!
  • My office finished a really painful move to a new building and now I have my own workspace.
  • I've actually dragged my lazy self to the gym.
  • I registered for the last semester of grad classes. They look awesome and all are in the afternoon!
  • Boobs is visiting and we've been watching John Adams. It is fantastic.
  • I've been chugging along on my Clapotis. Knitting during the week is a real luxury. :)

After a few weekends of wonderful family visits out of state, getting back on track with work, school and life this week has really been nice. Hopefully I can keep it up because the to-do list certainly isn't shrinking!