Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Weekend in the Kitchen

It feels like I spent this entire weekend in the kitchen, and although I am now very full and very tired, it was well worth it!

On Friday, Kyle and I trekked all the way out to Brookline (that's practically another state) for a Gburg happy hour at The Public House. It was really wonderful to catch up with some of our very favorite people that we don't get to see nearly enough. There was good conversation, cherry beer, and fun pictures. A good time was had by all!

Yesterday was really the onset of my kitchen time. Kyle and I hosted coffee hour at church today, so I really wanted to make something special for this first attempt at really integrating into the church community in a new and exciting way. After nearly five hours, I had my grandma's coffee cake, mini quiches and raspberry scones to show for my efforts. Yum!

I was definitely nervous that people wouldn't eat the food and that we'd be a coffee hour bust. But we were totally a success! There was scarcely a crumb to bring home which was great because we hosted the priest that will marry us for dinner tonight and I spent more time making yummy healthy lasagna and a frozen blueberry pie. I just had to roll myself into the kitchen to make a cup of tea!

Now I'm going to curl up on the couch with the Yankees game and my knitting and start the sad countdown to Monday morning.

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